#5 - Pride!🏳️‍🌈

People around the world face violence and inequality—and sometimes torture, even execution—because of who they love, how they look, or who they are. Gender identity is an integral aspect of ourselves and should never lead to discrimination or abuse.
Over the past decade, LGBT people have gained more and more tolerance and acceptance in India, especially in large cities.
People in the LGBT community are fighting for equal rights and acceptance. People’s prejudices lead them to think that LGBT people are odd and very different. Today, homosexuality and queer identities may be acceptable to more Indian youths than ever before but within the boundaries of families, homes and schools, acceptance still remains a constant struggle for 
LGBT people. In urban India, where social media and corporate initiatives have created increasing awareness of  LGBrights, the scenario looks more upbeat. While urban LGBvoices that are heard through several online and real-world platforms form an important part of  LGBactivism, these expose only a small part of the diverse challenges faced by the community.
Article 15,1949  of our Indian Constitution prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, gender or place of birth.
Being L,G,B or is not a ‘problem’, nor is it a ‘choice’ as such. LGBT individuals are merely individuals who have preferences that differ from what would appear to be the ‘norm’, due to differing learned behaviors. Saying that it’s objectively wrong for people to have preferences that differ from the norm is objectively wrong itself.
If normal men and women have the right to live in this society with respect then why not a person who belongs to LGBT . It’s not about what our religion or society says it’s about what humanity says.

Everyone who is living in this world has equal right to live in this society with full respect..!!




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